How to become a Fashion Icon™ with clothes already in your closet!

Once you discover the Fashion Icon inherent in you, you’ll understand what you really do need in your closet and why.

Become your own Fashion Icon™- armoire with clothes and shoes spilling out it

How to become a Fashion Icon™ with clothes already in your closet!

When you know your FASHION ICON PERSONALITY ARCHETYPES,™ it is much easier to make sense of the “Closet Puzzle”.

Letting go of old favorites, even when they “don’t fit,” or, are “out of style,” brings up issues that may trace back to our childhoods. Remember when you had to finally give up that blanket or stuffed toy and grow up? Many times we hold on to things that are symbols of “security” or “comfort,” even when we have grown out of them, or they have passed their shelf life. What happens is they just take up space and add to the clutter. This physical world block is like an emotional traffic jam in our closets and drawers. It is how we “stuff things” in the material world, when what we really need is to find that comfort and security inside of ourselves so we can express ourselves through the way we dress with confidence and ease. Releasing anything; clothes, ideas, irrational beliefs, even relationships, is always a process. It doesn’t have to be painful. It’s all in how we approach it.

This program will help you release items that are not really “you,” and see the clothes you do have – in a new and fashionable way.

You will…

  • Transform and up-level your self image while making sure each item in your closet really belongs there.
  • Create space and turn your closet into a sacred place.
  • Release & Let Go of thoughts and beliefs that don’t support you in feeling and looking your best.
  • Release excess clothing that you’ll never wear and make room, so your closet is easy to visualize & organize.
  • Receive Tax Breaks when you Donate to your favorite Charity.
  • Choose outfits more quickly when dressing on the fly.
  • Open up energy and space for the Fashion Icon You™ to come through.

Do the clothes in my closet really belong to me?

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