Here it is holiday spending sprees galore. I don’t know about you but when I go shopping at Christmas I see so many things that I want to buy for me! I don’t shop much – as a rule- and so when I do, I notice things that I want to buy, but I never seem to have enough money to spend on myself. Well, that is now, “in the past” because I have learned it only makes me resent the fact that I treat myself “less than,” and so what happens is… I feel “less than.” I have decided to treat myself better now. I am intent on taking care of myself more too. I realize that I deserve more than I have actually given myself in the past. Do any of you feel that way too?
If so, it is my wish to encourage you to take advantage of what I have to offer you at no cost, here on my website. Receive the gift of my 5 Secrets to Becoming your OWN Fashion Icon. ™ Sign-up and you will receive experiential self empowerment letters from me at no cost. It is a way to be with yourself. To get to know yourself. To give to yourself.
Start the New Year off …All About YOU!

Give yourself the gift of joining me in my 4-week Tele-Seminar in January.
January 9-16-23-30 – 2014 5PM PST (no international phone charge)
Sign up by Dec. 16th for the Super Discount Holiday price. You can sign up on the “Boutique” page of my site. Add it to your Christmas “wish list” or give it to a friend or relative. The benefits you will receive are priceless, because they come from inside of you. Turn heads when you enter a room-Release weight with ease-Feel confident in your body- Learn to Love your curves, not hide them-Clear away the things that don’t reflect who you are, and more.
I will assist you in discovering the fashion archetypes inside you.
There are many ways to give to yourself. This is just one or two ideas. I encourage you to please accept the things I have to share with you that I can give freely. Remember yourselves at the holidays too! I would like to be closer to you too, so write to me here and let me know how this goes.
Blessings and Joy,