Transform the way you view yourself, connect with the fashion icon within.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to become aware of what you are telling the world about who you are and to attract the positive attention you deserve?

Lorelei Shellist, Fashion Consultant
Hello, Beautiful!
- Do you ever feel insecure about the way you look when you’re in social situations?
- Have you ever compared yourself to another woman wishing you could pull off their “look”?
- Do you feel confident buying stylish clothes only to return home to realize you will never wear this purchase?
- Have you ever stood in your closet thinking “I have nothing to wear!?”
If you relate to any of these feelings, then I know you have an authentic self, waiting to be discovered. Bring confidence and empowerment in everything you do through the art of style and personal image.
Become your own Fashion Icon!
I would like to invite you on a journey that is about self-discovery, illuminating a deeper appreciation of self, discovering freedom from comparison, and the never-ending struggle with self-image. The ultimate result in working through my Fashion Icon Archetypes program is to create and share your own style. Become inspired to expand beyond your perceived limitations and capabilities.
With my training as a spiritual psychologist I am able to assist you in re-connecting with your divine, feminine nature; transforming the way you see yourself. When you learn to dress from your inner essence, (and not from your head,) you will realize the beautiful qualities inherent in you, and discover who you are as your OWN Fashion Icon!
My collaborative creative processes will empower you to radiate your inner beauty and create your very own signature style, so you will feel fashionable; free from your inner critic and free from self-sabotage.
With Fashion Archetypes ranging from Ambassador to Romantic, Spartan to Alchemist, there is truly a fashion niche for every one—once it’s tapped into, without a doubt I will help you own self-confidence, self- esteem, posture, poise, and personality!
“You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” Will Rogers