My Dear Beauties,
I have just come off a weekend of volunteer service at University of Santa Monica, school of Spiritual Psychology. I am volunteering this year for the program CHH : Consciousness, Health and Healing there. I graduated from this master class in 2012 and the things I have learned from it are deep and meaningful. The main event in the nutshell is learning how illness is here FOR us – to open our eyes and hearts to ourselves. Illness is a symptom and a wake up call – in order for us to go inside and heal our hurts, our irrational beliefs that don’t serve us, and to free ourselves from our own negative attitudes. In many cases illness comes to help us heal our family of origin issues, and perhaps issues that arise through challenging relationships, loss, or death. The feelings deep down that we ignore by keeping busy, distracted, or numbing ourselves through our addictions. In service to staying healthy through the holidays, I encourage you to listen to your body and your heart and be gentle with yourself.
1st Chakra is the ROOT Chakra: The color is RED. Our roots, our (bio) family, our tribe. This is where we learn our beliefs and what we believe as a tribe. The purpose of the tribe is survival. “ALL IS ONE.” We learn social skills, how to be a community, and to act with honor towards others. We take pride in our history, our ancestry, traditions and values. However as we evolve, some things we learned are out-dated and we don’t agree. We may have learned prejudice as a way of being loyal to our tribe and that is one loyalty we must outgrow. We may be prejudice of others ideas, beliefs, skin cold, or accents. And now, we must learn to be loyal to our own souls, through acceptance, love and grace.
As the holidays approach and we prepare to spend time with our families, or our “tribe,” as Carolyn Myss refers to them, it is evident that we may feel anxious, nervous, impatient, and tired. These are all normal feelings, as many of us experience conflict with these people, because perhaps they don’t agree with our values, ways of life, choices, or paths. And that goes both ways. Remember they may be feeling those things too. Let’s not just tolerate each others differences, let us open our hearts and accept them and the beauty of our diversity.
As you go into the holiday at Thanksgiving, I encourage you to focus on the gratitude for all you have and all you are. The fact that you have family and friends and a warm place to gather is such a blessing. As we remember others, however different, and/or who may not have some of these things.
I know for myself, I have no children of my own, no parents to argue with, and no available siblings to share my wins or losses with, but I don’t feel sad or mad about those things…I feel gratitude for the fact that I have me and a constant contact with my higher power, I have good friends, a supportive community, and even enemies who hate me so much that they love me;-) and I am so grateful for them, (you,) all. Most of all I know I am not alone, I never have been because I am there for me. I am learning to be loyal to my soul. And as my professor Dr. Ron Hulnick at USM shared the other day, “we are never alone because we are al-one…ALL ONE.”
If you have people in your life to fight with – consider that a blessing. They are your mirrors. If you have a dog to cuddle up with, or a cat, or even a cow… be grateful. If you have a place to live, food on the table, bills to pay, or you are searching for all of the above…just know that all you have is all you need right now and it is all perfect. You have you, and you always have.
Listen to your hearts, acknowledge your SELF, be gentle, kind and patient with yourself…and in turn, that attitude of loving will bounce off of you and onto others and who knows what magic may appear.
“Maintaining the health of our individual first chakra depends upon addressing our personal tribe issues…The process of spiritual development challenges us to retain the tribal influences that are positive and to discard those that are not.” Carolyn Myss
Blessings of Beauty, Gratitude and Grace,
Hi Lorelei,
Thanks for taking my call on Saturday, November 30, 2013. It was wonderful talking to you. I bought your book in 2012 as we had discussed. You signed my book already, however, I was asking you if you were going to have another book signing because I wanted to meet you in person. Your book was very good and very honest. You are amazing. I was telling you my sister and I are long time Def Leppard fans and that you and Steve made a nice couple. I hope to talk to you again in the future. You were telling me to go in your website and click into the expert page but unfortunately I cant find it, can you give me the instructions again as to where I can find out how to get on to the telephone conference you were talking about. Thanks Lorelei, God bless you, have a Merry Christmas.
Dear Lisa, It is really lovely to read your letter.It warms my heart and I am so happy you enjoyed reading my story. What I meant to say was: On my homepage at the top right you will see a picture of me in a yellow top. It says SIGN-UP for your 5 Free Secrets. After you do that you will begin to receive my secrets in your emails every few days. Also I am hosting a Tele-Seminar called:
January 9, 16, 23, 30, 2014
5:00 PM PST
When you go to the shopping bag page you click on the picture of me in the pink hat and it will lead you to the shopping cart. If you do this before Dec 16th- you will save hundreds. I am offering it at a discount so everyone takes advantage of a little Christmas shopping money for themselves. Or you can add it to your wish list. You can do this with your sister together and save money there too. Once you “check-out” you will receive an email telling you what will happen next to prepare for the tele seminar. In the seminar you will learn who your fashion archetype personality is. That’s who does your shopping, dressing, and styling, ones you don’t need are the ones that clutter up your closet and make you spend money on stuff you don’t need. When you know who you are as an icon you will make better choices on how you spend your money, what you wear, how you show up in the world and ou will feel extremely confident in your clothes. I look forward to meeting you there.