Celebrating International Women’s Day with Cydney Mar!
When I realized to day was International Women’s Day I thought to myself – who do I know internationally that I look up to? The answer was immediate. Celebrating International Women’s Day with Cydney Mar! My colleague and now most respected and dear friend Cydney Mar. I sat down immediately to write this blog and share the story and the glory of this amazing woman from Canada.
A few years back I was in the process of searching the world for the best place to manufacture The Dream Dress® by Lorelei Shellist
Over the course of a couple of years, I had made samples in Los Angeles, China, and at my friend’s Lecoanet Hemant‘s factory in India. The Los Angeles factories were sub par for my career couture taste, and costly. China was a challenge to communicate with and India, although the samples were perfect – the price was too high for the dress I wanted to create for the women in my tribe. I wanted to design a fashionable, feminine, comfortable, machine washable, affordable dress that feels like a woman’s “second skin.” And then one day I received an email from a long lost friend of mine out of the blue!
Enter Stacey Schieffelin, the creator of the wonderful cosmetic brand called “YBF Beauty” which stands for “Your Best Friend.” Stacey and go way back to our runway modeling days in Paris, Milan, and New York. Unbeknownst to me Stacey had been following my posts and e-blasts and just wanted to congratulation me and give me a thumbs up for the work I was doing BTS, empowering women to look and feel their best. Stacey shares her brand on HSN which was a dream of mine too. I thanked her profusely receiving her compliments with great honor. Stacey is a force of nature in the beauty world and has been a successful entrepreneur for over 25 years.

YBF Cosmetics
On a phone call the next day with Stacey, I mustered up my courage and asked her if she would mentor me and The Dream Dress® towards television shopping. She asked me for my pitch on the dress and then laughed lovingly, telling me she had heard a lot of pitches but this one took the cake. Stacey asked me where I was manufacturing the dress? I told her I was stumped and having a hard time finding the right manufacturers. She then recommended her friend in Montreal who had helped her launch a clothing line in the past.
“You’ve gotta meet Cydney Mar Lorelei. 
Cydney Mar is a product development strategist who is an expert in fashion and wellness. I think you two would get on great and I trust her thoroughly. Cydney has the manufacturer’s the sources, and the know how to help you produce your dresses and your entire line.” Stacey introduced Cydney and me through emails and the next thing you know we were on Skype chatting away as if we had known each other forever. We began collaborating virtually online, until we finally met in person at the Women’s Leadership Live conference in Dallas, Texas, and we have been enjoying a professional relationship based on mutual respect ever since. She keeps me in check…Hallelujah!
Celebrating International Women’s Day with Cydney Mar!
Cydney Mar is amazing! Cydney is a woman’s woman, who has re-invented herself in multiple careers and been

Debbie Saviano, Linda McMahon, Cydney Mar, Stacey Schieffelin
successful in all of them. She started her career young as a National level competitive figure skater. During her skating career she even designed her own skating costumes. However, Cydney was injured in a catastrophic skating accident that almost took her life. Her leg was almost severed and her skating career abruptly ended. But that didn’t stop her. She then went on to earn her marks for a career in fashion. Cydney won awards in NYC in design & merchandising as well as fashion illustration.
Cydney launched her first company in 1980, designing a couture collection and was touted as one of Canada’s top young designers being featured in National magazines and newspapers. From there she went on to work with various well-known manufacturing companies to learn how to design for mass manufacturing. She wanted to create fashions for women for what she called “Everyday fabulous.” That’s when QVC came calling, selling Cydney Mar Collection in 8 countries around the world over a period of 15 years.
Then, Five years ago, Cydney suffered a second near-death experience that crashed her immune system. After two months in the hospital, millions of dollars of fashions to still ship and Live TV shows to do, she decided to wind down. In that time she developed Cydney Mar Wellness because she had suffered from hair loss after her illness. Cydney’s Naturopath had created a natural vitamin formula to help her grow her hair back ~ it worked fabulously, and Cydney Mar Wellness was born.

Cydney Mar Wellness Nutritional Supplements
Cydney has a line of All Natural Vitamins & Supplements for your Health & Beauty that will boost your immune system, grow your hair, detox your liver and so much more! My personal favorites are her Fabulous Hair Skin & Nails Energetic Body & Mind, Adrenal Support .

Cydney and I on our first meet-up at Women’s Leadership Live
I asked the universe to help align me the the perfect people to team up with in order to launch my dream to help women all over the world dress from a place of freedom, femininity, function and fashion. I couldn’t have dreamed up a lovelier person to help me produce my fashion apparel line. Cydney is not only impeccable with taste and style, but with her word as well. I trust her because when she says she’ll do something – she does it. And she does it with grace and ease. I am such a lucky girl. You will be too sign up for Cydney’s 7 Key Tips to Health & Beauty for Everyday Fabulous at https://www.cydneymarwellness.com
Congratulations to Cydney and all of you ladies out there Celebrating International Women’s Day with Cydney Mar! I am so excited to share my dream with you and your dreams with me!
Ladies stay tuned for the official launch of The Dream Dress® by Lorelei Shellist July 2018!!!
Bring your Style to Life!
Lorelei Shellist